Supermodel Lady GaGa Dress Made from 1,200 Pens

Does that while always in an odd way Lady Gaga, who inspired the next level:
the latest style of 2011 Lady GaGa – Lady GaGa dress from 1200 Pens.

And then there are many designers, especially those who are not too popular,
wants to design a piece of “value” for Lady Gaga.

The latest effort to get attention with that name created by Lady Gaga Annette
Carey, the British designer who created clothes for 1200 ballpoint pen.
This dress is quite simple and no special design of 640 hours to do it
and covered with a crystal in 2000. Despite weighing 8 pounds and cost
about $ 16,000, the designer says it is portable. He also said “would prove
far the last decade, to be perfect for the eccentric pop star Lady Gaga.

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